How I got my Sinker & Slider ranked as the #1 and #2 pitches in the whole San Diego Padres organization.
That's out of 112 pro pitchers and all of their pitches!

Do you wish your pitches had more movement and you could fool the batters any time you wanted?
Well, no worries, you're in the right place. No matter what pitches you currently throw, the Sinker and Slider are a great addition!
Did you know: If you don't strike batters out, you create a situation in which you're more likely to allow hits. On average, a pitcher is going to allow about 30% of the balls that are put into play to fall for a hit.
So that means that if you don't have an out pitch/swing and miss pitch, then you will give up more hits.
And we all know that more hits will lead to more runs, which will lead to more bad outtings for you.
So, how do we fix this?
Simple. We throw pitches with later downward movement!
How do I know this works? Well, I was in your shoes at one point in my pitching career. I thought I had some decent pitches, but I was just struggling to put batters away (strike them out).
So, what I did was transitioned from a 4 Seam Fastball to a Sinking Fastball and changed my slow, sideways, frisbee Slider into a sharp, late breaking, depth improved Slider.
And what happened was my strike outs increased instantly! My ERA began to lower and I felt more confident facing batters!
Now I want to show you how to do the same...
- Strike out more batters and give up less hits!
- Make hitters look foolish and feel uncomfortable!
- Dominate the competition and help your team win!
- Be the best pitcher on your team and in your league!
You may already throw a Sinker and/or Slider, BUT are you throwing them the RIGHT way?
Any Joe Schmoe can show you how to grip a baseball and tell you to turn your wrist, but that's not how it really works. There's a lot more to being able to throw a great Sinker and Slider.
That's why you need to take my Advanced Sinker and Slider Training Course.

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*but I'm only offering it at this price for a limited time*
Frequently Asked Questions:
How is the Advanced Sinker & Slider Training delivered?
Immediately after you purchase you will be prompted to create a login in which you can login and access your online video training.
The course includes the following videos:
The Sinker
- Sinker Philosophy
- Sinker Grips
- How to throw the Sinker
- When to throw the Sinker
- The Sinker in action
- Setting your sights with the Sinker
- Sinker Drills
- Bringing your Sinker into the game
- Dominating Hitters with your Sinker
The Slider
- Slider Philosophy
- Slider Grips
- How to throw the Slider
- When to throw the Slider
- The Slider in action
- Setting your sights with the Slider
- Slider Drills
- Bringing your Slider into the game
- Dominating Hitters with your Slider
Is there a guarantee?
Yup!...all of my training programs have a 60 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee.
You either get the results you want or you get your money back. It’s as simple as that!
Click the button below to get access to all the training videos now!

Add To Cart - Just $25

Get ready to learn how to throw the nastiest, filthiest, dirtiest Sinker & Slider! I'll see you inside!
- John Madden